t. 22 Environment – General Knowledge – MCQs with Explanation

A quick 22 questions article on Environment – General Knowledge – MCQs like on legumes, national park, carbon credit – kyoto protocol etc.

Que (1): Where is the Smog is likely to occur?

A. Near the industrial areas
B. Near the hills
C. Near the hill stations
D. Crowded cities

Answer: Near the industrial areas

  • Smog is a type of intense air pollution.
  • The word “smog” was coined in the early 20th century.
  • SMOG is called smog because it’s a mixture of smoke and fog hence called as smog.

Que (2): Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of which grass?

A. Fescues
B. Ryegrass
C. Meadow
D. Pampas

Answer: Pampas

  • Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of Pampas.
  • Pampas grass is a perennial plant and can reach 4 metres (13 feet) in height.
  • Pampas are fertile South American low grasslands like Argentina.
  • These are long-lasting, low-maintenance and fertile grasslands that can be used over and over again.

Que (3): From the evolutionary point of View, which is the most primitive animal?

A. Jelly fish
B. Pirhana
C. Elephant
D. Turtle
Answer: Turtle

  • Turtles are reptiles with hard shells that protect them from predators.
  • They are among the oldest and most primitive groups of reptiles, having evolved millions of years ago.
  • Turtles live all over the world in almost every type of climate.

Que (4):Leaves used as wrappers for bidis, from which plants are they obtained?

A. Lettuce
B. Collards
C. Celtuce
D. Tendu

Answer: Tendu

  • Such cigarettes also called as bidi in local language is highly prevalent in India. These are made from leaves of tendu plant rolled and tied using normal strings.
  • The price of these bidis is quite less w.r.t normal cigarettes and hence is being preferred by low wage workers mostly.

Que (5): Which is an important product obtained from styles and stigma?

A. Carpels
B. Gynoecium
C. Saffron
D. none of these

Answer: Saffron

Que (6): Indian Institute of Forest management is located at which place?

A. Manipur
B. Imphal
C. Bhopal
D. Assam

Answer: Bhopal

Que (7): How many species are under threat in mainland France?

A. A hundread
B. A fifty
C. A thousand
D. A crore

Answer: A thousand

Que (8): Which is softwood from coniferous forest?

A. White pine
B. Pine
C. Redwood
D. Ceder

Answer: Pine

  • The woods of coniferous forests are tall and soft.
  • Chir, pine and cedar are the important variety of trees in these forests.
  • The woods of these are very useful for making pulp, which is used for manufacturing paper and newsprint.

Que (9): Hardwood tree like mahogany and ebony are found in which forests?

A. Decidious forest
B. Temperate forest
C. Tropical rainforests
D. Equitorial forest

Answer: Tropical rainforests

  • Tropical rainforests are found in areas of heavy rainfall.
  • The trees found in these forests are rosewood, ebony and mahogany.

Que (10): Which crop are grained with the on set of monsoon & are harvested in September-October?

A. Bajra
B. Jowar
C. Rice
D. Kharif

Answer: Kharif

  • Kharif crops are grown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of the country and these are harvested in September-October.
  • Important crops grown during this season are paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, tur (arhar), moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean.

Que (11): Rainwater collected after 30 to 40 minutes of raining is not suitable for drinking why?

A. Because it is acidic
B. Because it is basic
C. Because it is neutral
D. none of these

Answer: Because it is acidic

  • Sulphur and nitrogen compounds released because of various human activities into the atmosphere. This when reacts with rain water leads to formation of sulphuric acid and nitric acid, which is called as acid rain and is really harmful for human beings.

Que (12): Which industry produces the most non-biodegradable wastes?

A. Thermal power plants
B. Nuclear plants
C. Industrial units
D. Agricultural waste

Answer: Thermal power plants

  • Ash remains discarded after burning coal is the continuous waste generated from thermal power plants. This gets generated in huge amount like in tons and that is why thermal power plants are the ones that produces the most non-biodegradable wastes among all.
  • In some cases this gets utilised by cement plants to produce cement or by brick factories to produce brick out of it. If any of the above options are not available then it gets dumped to a common site.

Que (13): In which country is Merino sheep rearing the predominant pastoral activity?

A. Australia
B. Africa
C. Nigeria
D. South America

Answer: Australia

Que (14): Which is an active component of oil of clove?

A. Nitrogen
B. Sulfer
C. Oxygen
D. Eugenol

Answer: Eugenol

Que (15): By which is the Atmosphere of big metropolitan cities is polluted most?

A. Automobile exhausts
B. Agricultural wastes
C. Industrial wastes
D. Electric waste

Answer: Automobile exhausts

  • Automobiles burns the fuels and releases waste gas into the air known as automobile exhausts, which contains gases like nitrogen, cardon dioxide, oxygen, water vapor etc.

Que (16): Which groups of items contains only biodegradable items?

A. Wood, Grass, Leather
B. Wood and grass
C. Wood and Leather
D. Leather and grass

Answer: Wood, Grass, Leather

  • All of the items mentioned in above lists are biodegradable, where biodegradable is the matter than can be decomposed into simpler components using microorganisms.

Que (17): The concept of ‘carbon credit’ originated from which protocol?

A. Kyoto Protocol
B. Corporate protocol
C. Finance protocol
D. none of these

Answer: Kyoto Protocol

  • Kyoto protocol was an international agreement whose aim was to reduce emission of CO2 and green house gases into the atmosphere.
  • Carob credits were the permits that allows the owner of it to release certain amount of CO2 or green house gases into the atmosphere.

Que (18): What is the main cause of extinction of species from tropics?

A. Humidity
B. Climate change
C. Pollution of food
D. Deforestation

Answer: Deforestation

  • Deforestation is removal of plants or trees from a particular land for other purposes like commercial use, of using the forest resources for commercial purpose, creating buildings etc.

Que (19): Which is the largest tiger reserve in India?

A. Bandipur
B. Corbet
C. Amangarh
D. Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve

Answer: Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve

  • Is spread across 5 districts.

Que (20): Which is the first National Park established in India?

A. Bandipur national park
B. Indira Gandhi national park
C. Corbett national park
D. Amangarh national park

Answer: Corbett National Park

  • It was established in 1936 as Hailey National park and is renamed as Corbett National park in 1956. Is located in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand.

Que (21): Which endangered Ridley turtles have the world’s largest aggregation?

A. Red-eared
B. Leatherback
C. Pleurodia
D. Gahirmatha

Answer: Gahirmatha

  • Located in Odisha and is a major tourist attraction because of Olive Ridley Turtles. It is the world’s largest nesting beach for Olive Ridley Turtles.

Que (22): Which crop enrich the soil with nitrogen?

A. Pea
B. Tea
C. Cotton
D. none of these

Answer: Pea

  • Pea crops enrich the soil with nitrogen. Pea and beans are nitrogen-fixing crops and hence they are called legumes. They fix nitrogen in the soil with the help of nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in their roots called Rhizobium.

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