25 questions on “Physics GK Mock Test” objective questions series – relative humidity, beaufort scale, Galileo Galilei, earth elements, Mars reddish colour, Moderator in nuclear reactor, Wind vane for wind direction, specific heat, angular separation, total internal reflection, bar magnet, electric field strength, coriolis force, rectifier pn junction, fermi energy, solar eclipse etc.

This article is important for anyone who is preparing for civil services, Bank PO exam or other government exams as such questions have been asked in all these exams in general studies or general knowledge section.

Question Section:

Que (1): When does Relative humidity decreases?
A. With temperature increased
B. With temperature decreased
C. With temperature balanced
D. With humid temperature

Answer: A. With increased Temperature
Explanation: Cold air higher relative humidity and warm air lower relative humidity.
Where, relative humidity is amount of atmospheric moisture present relative to the amount that would be present if the air is saturated.
Warm air can hold more water vapor.

Que (2): Why is ‘Beaufort Scale’ used ?
A. To measure wind speed
B. To measure gravity
C. To measure velocity
D. To measure distance

Answer: C. To measure wind velocity,
It’s full name is Beaufort wind force scale.

Que (3): In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered four moons of which planet?
A. saturn
B. mars
C. jupiter
D. Uranus

Answer: Jupiter,
First he discovered lo and subsequently Europa, Ganymede and then callisto in 1610.

Que (4): Which is the element found on the surface of the moon?
A. Iron
B. Silicon
C. Titanium
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

Que (5): Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?
A. Mars
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Pluto

Answer: Mars,
It appears red because of presence of iron and it’s compounds on Mars which when oxidises turns reddish.

Que (6): Which of the following is used as ‘a moderator in nuclear reactor?
A. Graphite
B. Coal
C. Charcoal
D. Lead

Answer: Graphite,
Apart, from graphite, heavy water (D2O) also sometimes used as moderator, as moderator it helps in reducing the speed of fast neutrons and hence increasing it’s chance of interacting with nuclear fuel.

Que (7): Which instrument used for finding out wind-direction?
A. Flute
B. Wind vane
C. Anemometer
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Wind vane.

Que (8): When temperature is gradually decreased, what happens to the specific heat of substance?
A. Decreased
B. Increased
C. Stays the same
D. Fluctuates

Answer. C. Stays the same,
Specific heat has nothing to do with temperature, where specific heat is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one Celsius degree.

Que (9): Angular separation between two colours of the spectrum depends upon which thing?
A. Angle of incidence
B. Angle of deviation
C. Angle of reflection
D. Angle of refraction

Answer: Angle of Deviation,
The angle of deviation is the angle between the direction of the refracted ray and the direction of the incident ray when a ray of light passes from one medium to another.

Que (10): Total internal reflection of light is possible when light enters from which thing?
A. Air to Water
B. Water to air
C. Air to Vapour
D. Vapour to air

Answer: Water to air,
In Total internal reflection rays on reaching interface between two medium reflects back rather than refracting into another medium. It occurs when the second medium has a higher wave speed (i.e., lower refractive index) than the first, and the waves are incident at a sufficiently oblique angle on the interface.

Que (11): If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will the total number of poles be?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 4
D. 6

Answer: 6,
A bar magnet is the simplest form of magnets which is rectangular in shape and has a magnetic field around it. Each bar magnet has two poles North and South, if we cut it into 3 pieces then each piece will behave like an individual bar magnet with individual North and South poles of their own, hence a total of 6 poles will be there i.e. 3 x 2.

Que (12): What denotes the smallest temperature?
A. 5 deg on the Kelvin Scale
B. 4 deg on Kelvin Scale
C. 7 deg on Kelvin Scale
D. 1 deg of Kelvin Scale

Answer: 1 deg on the Kelvin Scale,
The smallest temperature is 1˚ on Kelvin scale.

Que (13): Which energy do not have the problem of pollution?
A. Solar
B. Geothermal
C. Wind
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above.

Que (14): What is a suitable unit for expressing electric field strength?
A. V
B. A
C. Mw
D. N/C

Answer. D. N/C,
where, N represents Newton i.e. the unit of force, and C represents Coulomb is the unit of charge.

Que (15): Rotation of the earth causes deflection of wind by which force?
A. Electric force
B. Magnetic force
C. Negative force
D. Coriolis force

Answer: D. Coriolis force,
When the Earth rotates on its axis, circulating air is deflected toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection is called the Coriolis effect.

Que (16): The unidirectional property of a pn-junction is useful for its use as which thing?
B. Rectifier
C. Zener
D. Diode

Answer: Rectifier.

Que (17): Which energy of the electron at absolute zero is called?
A. Potential Energy
B. Fermi energy
C. Electric energy
D. none of these

Answer: B. Fermi energy.

Que (18): What can be the maximum duration of totality for a solar eclipse?
A. 7 minutes 32 seconds
B. 7 minutes 20 seconds
C. 6 minutes 40 seconds
D. 6 minutes 20 seconds

Answer: 7 minutes 32 seconds,
The longest possible duration of a total solar eclipse is 7 minutes and 32 seconds.

Que (19): What is the wavelength of visible spectrum?
A. 3900-7800
B. 3900-7600
C. 3900-7500
D. 3900-7200

Answer: 3900-7600 Angstrom or 380 to 740 nanometers,
The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called visible light or simply light. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 380 to 740 nanometers.

Que (20): The fragments of which comet system collided with Jupiter in July 1994 ?
A. Shoemaker-Levy 9
B. Shoemaker-Levy 8
C. Shoemaker-Levy6
D. Shoemaker-Levy 4

Answer: Shoemaker-Levy 9,
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 (formally designated D/1993 F2) was a comet that broke apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects.

Que (21): We cannot see during a fog. why?
A. Our eyes are not so developed
B. The air becomes thick
C. Because of scattering of light
D. nan

Answer: Because of scattering of light,
we cannot see through fog because of scattering Atoms and molecules in the air, including anything carried in the air like dust or smoke, will scatter light.

Que (22): Which instrument is used for recording earthquake waves?
A. Buoys
B. ADCP instruments
D. Seismograph

Answer: Seismograph,
seismograph. A seismograph, or seismometer, is an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes. Generally, it consists of a mass attached to a fixed base. During an earthquake, the base moves and the mass does not.

Que (23): What will be If a pendulum clock be taken from the earth to a revolving artificial satellite?
A. It will be faster
B. It will be slow
C. It will be constant
D. It will stop altogether

Answer: D. It will stop altogether,
Because of lack of g or gravity in the satellite.

Que (24): When some detergent is added to water, what will happen to the surface tension?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Floats
D. None of these

Answer: Decreases
When detergent is added to water, it decreases the surface tension of the water. Compounds that lower water’s surface tension are called surfactants, which work by separating the water molecules from one another.


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