25 questions on “Physics GK Mock Test” objective questions series – mesons, gamma rays, venus, solar system, longest day venus, water surface tension, microwaves, flint glass, magnets intensity, radioactive decay, choke, television broadcasting frequency etc.

This article is important for anyone who is preparing for civil services, Bank PO exam or other government exams as such questions have been asked in all these exams in general studies or general knowledge section.

Other relevant links:

Physics GK Mock Test – 1Physics GK Mock Test – 2
Physics GK Mock Test – 3Physics GK Mock Test – 4

Question Section:

Que (101): Mesons are found in which rays?
A. Gama rays
B. UV Rays
C. Cosmic rays
D. Light rays

Answer: C. Cosmic rays,
Mesons appear in nature only as short-lived products of very high-energy collisions between particles made of quarks, such as cosmic rays (high-energy protons and neutrons) and ordinary matter. [Source]

Que (102): A liquid will not wet the surface of solid if the angle of contact is?
A. Acute
B. Obtuse
C. Right angle
D. No angle

Answer: B. Obtuse,
This depends on the contact angle between the liquid and solid surfaces. When the liquid does not wet the sides of a solid object, it means that the angle of contact is more than 90° but less than 180° i.e. it’s an obtuse angle

Que (103): On which planet of the solar system does the sun rise in the west and set in the east?
A. Venus
B. Mars
C. Neptune
D. Earth

Answer: A. Venus,
Venus and Uranus are only two planets that rotate from East to West, while all other planets rotate in opposite direction.

Que (104): Which planet of the solar system has the longest day?
A. Venus
B. Mars
C. Uranus
D. Neptune

Answer: Venus,
A day of Venus lasts for 243 Earth days and a day of Jupiter lasts for only 9 hours.

Que (105): Why can Insects move on the surface of water without sinking?
A. Because of its weight
B. Because of its leg grip
C. Because of the dirt on water
D. Due to the surface tension

Answer: D. Due to Surface tension of water,
Due to surface tension of water the insects can walk on it easily without sinking.

Que (106): Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequency in the range of which unit?
A. Keliv
B. Ampere
C. Candela
D. Giga hertz

Answer: D. Giga hertz,
The term “microwaves” applies to electromagnetic radiation corresponding to a frequency range of 0.3–3 GHz.

Que (107): Who firstly predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves?
A. Maxwell
B. Faraday
C. Nerst
D. Hertz

Answer: D. Hertz,
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a German physicist who first conclusively proved the existence of the electromagnetic waves predicted by James Clerk Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism. [Source]

Que (108): Which type of glass is used in making lenses and prisms?
A. Laminated glass
B. Swytch glass
C. Tempered glass
D. Flint glass

Answer: D. Flint glass,
Flint glass is used in opticals and prisms, because it absorbs most of the UV light and very little visible light.

Que (109): The intensity of a magnetic field is defined as the force experienced by which pole?
A. North pole
B. South Pole
C. Equally on both
D. Divided throughout the divider

Answer: A. Unit north pole,
Intensity of magnetic field is a force experienced by a unit north pole placed at a point in a magnetic field around a magnet or a current carrying conductor or coil.

Que (110): In which process, a nucleus spontaneously breaks down by emitting radiation?
A. Alpha decay
B. Beta decay
C. Gamma decay
D. Radioactive decay

Answer: D. Radioactive decay,
Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation. A material containing unstable nuclei is considered radioactive.

Que (111): Fluorescent tubes are fitted with a choke. What is the function of choke coil in it?
A. Reduces current in the circuit
B. Increases the current in circuit
C. Levels the current in the circuit
D. Eliminates the current in circuit

Answer: A. Reduces current in the circuit,
Choke decreases the current without wasting electrical energy in the form of heat, whereas if resistance is used then electrical energy will be wasted hence choke is used instead of resistance.

Que (112): For television broadcasting, what frequency is employed normally?
A. 30 – 100 MHz
B. 30 – 300 MHz
C. 30 – 500 MHz
D. 30 – 1000 MHz

Answer: B. 30 – 300 MHz,
Generally, 30 MHz to 300 MHz frequency is used for the television broadcasting signals.

Que (113): Which effect shows particle nature of light?
A. Abscopal effect
B. Accordion effect
C. Aharonov–Bohm effect
D. Photoelectric effect

Answer: Photoelectric effect,
Refraction, interference and polarisation all show wave nature of light. Where as Photoelectric effect shows particle nature.

Que (114): Which planet is known as veiled planet?
A. Venus
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Mars

Answer: A. Venus,
Venus is called the veiled planet because it is covered with thick clouds .

Que (115): Optic fibres are mainly used for which purpose?
A. Transfer
B. Communication
C. Strengthening
D. none of these

Answer: B. Communication,
Fiber optics is used for long-distance and high-performance data networking. It is also commonly used in telecommunication services, such as internet, television and telephones. [Source]

Que (116): Which rays are most penetrating?
A. Gamma Rays
B. X Rays
C. Alpha Rays
D. Beta Rays

Answer: A. Gamma-rays,
Gamma rays has most penetrating power as it has no electric charge and thus do not interact with matter as strongly as do charged particles. [Source]

Que (117): Which is a good conductor of electricity?
A. Metals
B. Non-Metals
C. Plastic
D. All. ofthe above

Answer: A. Metals.

Que (118): Which common devices works on the basis of the principle of mutual induction?
A. Resistor
B. Transformer
C. Conductor

Answer: B. Transformer,
Mutual inductance is defined as the ratio between the EMF induced in one loop or coil by the rate of change of current in another loop or coil. [Source]

Que (119): What happens to the Water vapour beyond the dew point?
A. Evaporation
B. Precipitation
C. Condensation
D. none of these

Answer: C. Condensation,
Water vapour beyond the dew point results in condensation.

Que (120): Which is the process in which no heat enters or leaves?
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Adiabatic

Answer: D. Adiabatic,
The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is termed as adiabatic process.

Que (121): How is the speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium?
A. Speed increases
B. Speed decreases
C. Remains unaltered
D. None of these

Answer: C. Remains unaltered,
Speed of light remains same with change in temperature.

Que (122): How is the pitch of the voice of women generally?
A. Lower than that of men
B. Higher than that of men
C. Tender than that of men
D. Its almost the smae

Answer: B. Higher than that of men,
Adult male voices are usually lower-pitched and have larger folds.

Que (123): When do all the magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties?
A. When they are very cold
B. When they are strongly heated
C. When the surface is scratched
D. When they become old

Answer: B. Strongly heated.

Que (124): A hollow sphere of copper is positively charged, then what will the electric field be inside the sphere?
A. Zero
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Neutral

Answer: A. Zero,
Inside it will be zero as there is no charge inside the sphere all the charge is present on the outer surface.

Que (125): In our houses we get 220 V AC. What does the value 220 represent?
A. Neutral voltage
B. Phase voltage
C. Effective voltage
D. none of these

Answer: C. Effective voltage,
Or the push given to the electrons to flow through an electrical cable.


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