RGPV – B.Tech CSE 4th Semester – All Question Papers PDF Download

RGPV – B.Tech CSE 4th Semester – All Question Papers PDF Download – 401 – Mathematics (Important Topics & Previous Years Question Papers pdf), 402 – Analysis Design of Algorithm (Important Topics & Previous Years Question Papers pdf), 403 – Software Engineering (Important Topics & Previous Years Question Papers pdf), 404 – Computer Organisation and Architecture (Important Topics & Previous Years Question Papers pdf), 405 – Operating Systems (Important Topics & Previous Years Question Papers pdf).

The article has RGPV – B.Tech CSE 4th Semester question papers from previous years plus analysis of what questions were asked in last 2-3 years and which questions were asked more than once in last 2-3 years. This can help in understanding which questions are asked frequently and you can prepare for your exams accordingly.

MathematicsImportant Topics
Note: The topics repeated/asked over multiple years are bold marked.
Nov-2022Newton raphson method -|- Root using regula falsi method -|- Simpson’s 1/3 rule -|- Simpson’s 3/8 rule
-|- Jacobi’s integration method -|- Simpson’s rule -|- Euler’s modified method
-|- Runge-Kutta Fourth order method -|- Euler’s method -|- Mean of the binomial distribution
-|- Probability question
Jun-2023Real root using Newton raphson method -|- Newton’s divided difference formula
-|- Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules -|- Value of integral by trapezoidal rule -|- Gauss siedel iteration method
-|- Simpson’s rule to find value of integral -|- Euler’s method -|- Euler’s modified method
-|- Laplace transform -|- Poisson distribution -|- Exponential distribution
Subject CodeYearMonthSubject
Analysis Design of AlgorithmImportant Topics
Note: The topics repeated/asked over multiple years are bold marked.
Jun-2023Quick sort algorithm -|- Strassen’s matrix multiplication and time complexity -|- Merge sort algorithm
-|- Solve Knapsack problem with greedy method -|- Algorithm for single source shortest path
-|- Forward and backward approach in dynamic programming
-|- Reliability of system using dynamic programming
-|- Solve Knapsack problem with dynamic programming -|- 8 queen’s problem
-|- Control abstraction using LC-search -|- BFS and DFS -|- 2-3 trees vs BST trees -|- Heap sort
-|- Dynamic programming -|- Height balanced tree -|- Parallel algorithm
Nov-2023Recurrence relations using substitution method -|- Quick sort algorithm
-|- Spanning tree for undirected graph -|- 0/1 Knapsack problem
-|- Reliability design using dynamic programming -|- Hamiltonian cycle
-|- Comparison trees for deriving lower bounds -|- Inorder sequence and postorder sequence -|- BFS
-|- Performance analysis of an algorithm -|- Heap sort -|- State space tree by LCBB
-|- Knapsack instances -|- Asymptotic notations -|- DFS and BFS -|- Graph coloring problem
Jun-2024Asymptotic bound -|- Merge sort -|- Strassen’s matrix multiplication
-|- Spanning tree and prim’s algorithm -|- Greedy method
-|- Solve Knapsack problem with greedy method -|- Multistage graph using greedy method
-|- Floyd warshall algorithm -|- 0/1 Knapsack problem
-|- 8-queen’s problem using backtracking -|- Graph coloring -|- Function OBST
-|- 2-3 trees -|- Binary search algorithm and it’s time complexity
-|- Single source shortest path algorithm -|- Parallel algorithms -|- NP completeness

Subject CodeYearMonthSubject

Software EngineeringImportant Topics
Note: The topics repeated/asked over multiple years are bold marked.
Jun-2023Evolutionary process model in software engineering -|- RAD model -|- Use-case model
-|- Basic principles of software design -|- SA and SD -|- Component based design
-|- Strategic approaches for software testing -|- Unit testing in software engineering -|- Software quality
-|- SCM function in software engineering -|- System testing -|- Test metrics
-|- Product and process metric -|- Component model -|- Object models -|- Black-Box testing
-|- Program comprehension techniques -|- Testing tools
Nov-2023Spiral model -|- SDLC -|- Function oriented modeling and object oriented modeling
-|- System and software requirement specifications -|- Design metrics
-|- Function oriented design strategies -|- Software testing and system testing
-|- Risk in software engineering -|- Reverse engineering and re-engineering
-|- Steps of acceptance testing -|- Risk assessment and mitigation
-|- Project scheduling and tracking -|- RUP and agile processes -|- Structured methods
-|- White-Box testing -|- Feasibility testing -|- Test case design
Jun-2024Software process models – key features -|- Capability maturity model use for software quality
-|- Spiral model -|- Software requirement specification document
-|- Functional and non-functional requirements -|- Requirement elicitation and analysis
-|- Pattern based software design -|- Function-oriented design
-|- Golden rules of user interface design -|- Integrating testing strategies -|- Black-box testing
-|- Boundary value analysis -|- White-box testing -|- Software configuration management (SCM)
-|- Feasibility analysis -|- Schedule and cost estimation -|- RUP -|- Traceability -|- Design principles
Subject CodeYearMonthSubject
Computer Organisation and ArchitectureImportant Topics
Note: The topics repeated/asked over multiple years are bold marked.
Jun-2022Structure of desktop system -|- Instruction format -|- I/O system
-|- Booth algorithm -|- Arithmetic unit -|- PCI BUS -|- SCSI BUS -|- USB BUS
-|- Memory organization and different types -|- Cache performance methods
-|- Multiprocessor -|- Inter-process communication -|- Pipelining
-|- RISC architecture -|- Vector processing -|- Array processors -|- LRU algorithm
-|- Micro instruction in computer architecture
-|- Pipelined instruction in computer architecture
Jun-2023Computer architecture -|- Multiprocessing -|- Types of data transfer
-|- Stack organization -|- Bus structure and addressing modes
-|- Fetch and execution cycle -|- Instruction types
-|- Execution of micro instruction -|- Booths algorithm
-|- Floating point arithmetic operation -|- Signal addition and subtraction
-|- Serial and parallel data transfer -|- Synchronous and asynchronous modes of data transfer -|- Direct memory access -|- PCI BUS -|- SCSI BUS -|- Main memory and secondary memory
-|- Cache memory and virtual memory -|- Replacement algorithm -|- Improve cache performance
-|- Multiprocessor – characteristics and structure -|- Pipelining
-|- Vector processing and array processing -|- LRU algorithm
-|- Tools compliment representation -|- Memory management hardware
-|- Inter-processor communication and synchronization -|- Inter-processor arbitration
Nov-2023Computer system architecture -|- Addressing modes -|- Booth’s algorithm
-|- Direct memory access -|- Pipelining -|- Vectored and non-vectored interrupts
-|- Instruction formats for computer system -|- Volatile and non-volatile memories
-|- Memory hierarchy in computer systems -|- Mapping techniques in cache memory
-|- Cache hit and cache miss -|- Cache coherency -|- USB interface -|- RISC vs CISC
-|- Micro-program sequencer -|- Memory organization -|- PCI -|- BUS
-|- LRU algorithm

Subject CodeYearMonthSubject
Operating SystemsImportant Topics
Note: The topics repeated/asked over multiple years are bold marked.
Jun-2023Operating system -|- Short term, medium term and long term scheduling -|- System call -|- Process states
-|- Diagram of PCB -|- Disks scheduling algorithms -|- Magnetic tape -|- Free space management
-|- Threads and process -|- Paging and segmentation -|- Deadlock prevention -|- Mutual exclusion
-|- Reader-writers solution using monitors -|- File system used in linux and windows -|- File
-|- Directory structures
Nov-2023Evolution of operating system -|- Buffering and spooling -|- File – attributes and operations -|- FCFS
-|- SRTF -|- Disk structure -|- SCAN and LOOK Disk scheduling algorithms -|- Process state
-|- State transition diagram -|- Thread control block -|- Recovery from deadlock -|- Segmentation
-|- Virtual to physical address mapping in a segmented system
-|- Semaphore solution for dining philosopher’s problem
-|- LRU, FIFO and Optimal page replacement algorithm -|- Virtual memory
-|- Non-contiguous storage allocation -|- Design issues of distributed operating system
-|- Worms and virus -|- Demand paging -|- Batch processing -|- Time-sharing

Subject CodeYearMonthSubject
Subject CodeYearMonthSubject

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