RGPV (CS-8002) – Cloud Computing Solved Question Paper – To Score Better

CS-8002 (CBGS)Cloud Computing

B.E. VIII Semester Examination, June 2020

Maximum Marks : 70

Note: i)     Attempt any five questions out of eight.

           ii)   All questions carry equal marks.

Cloud computing solved question paper.

1. a)  Describe cloud services requirements and applications of cloud computing.

The three links below will give you detailed answer of cloud services requirements, cloud computing and it’s applications.

There are many application of cloud computing now-a-days like in banking, fin-tech applications, softwares, online application like amazon, gmail, google etc. to make sure business is running 24*7.

1. b)Explain cloud computing reference model.

  • Cloud computing reference model (Click me for description—>)
    • Described very nicely in the link above, so refer 1st three lines for definition
    • Five logical layers (Mention function of each in short 1-2 lines)
      • Physical
      • Virtual
      • Control
      • Service orchestration
      • Service
    • Three cross-layer functions (Mention function of each in short 1-2 lines)
      • Business continuity
      • Security
      • Service management

2. a)  What is cloud scalability? Explain the term “Virtual desktop infrastructure”.

2. b) Explain Fault tolerance and cloud Ecosystem.

  • Fault tolerance (Click me for description –>)
    • Mention definition from above link
    • Describe the importance of making system fault tolerance i.e. to keep business keep on running
    • How this is taken care of in (explain by example)
      • Hardware systems (e.g. parallel servers)
      • Software system (e.g. replication of db on another machine)
      • Power systems (backup power generators) etc.
  • Cloud ecosystem (Click me for description –>)
    • It is nothing but set of interdependent components work together to enable cloud services e.g. websites, AWS etc. (Please refer the link above for more detailed definition)
    • for e.g. in online websites like netflix, amazon, SAP etc. a number of components have been used like AWS servers, various databases to store and fetch data wherever required etc. likewise is used in almost every online service now-a-days.

3. a) How testing under cloud can be performed? Explain it by taking service based models of cloud computing under consideration?

4. a)  Explain what do you understand by Hypervisor Management Software and their requirements.

4. b) Write a brief notes on High availability and disaster recovery in cloud computing.

This shows the description of high availability systems i.e. benefits, elements of such systems and components required to maintain high availability systems.

Second part of the article describes what is disaster recovery in cloud computing and benefits of having disaster recovery systems in place for business continuity, handling natural calamities etc.

5. Explain following term:

(i) Cloud Analytics

  • In cloud analytics storage and processing of data happens on cloud network i.e. you don’t have to rely on local machines for processing of data,
  • What are some of the benefits of cloud analytics?
  • Cloud analytics has several benefits in terms of accessibility, more processing power, easy availability and scalability to name a few. Some other benefits includes:
    • You don’t need to maintain heavy processing machines at your end,
    • You save on infrastructure cost and it’s maintenance cost as well.
    • You can anytime upgrade your machines with a new one.
    • Is easily accessible by anyone anywhere.
    • Is scalable and highly available.
    • Better data security and governance,
    • More processing power at lower cost and hence more and better insights generation in less time.

(ii) Block and File level storage virtualization

  • Block level storage:
    • Uses blocks i.e. set sequence of bytes to store structured data,
    • Each block is assigned a unique address also called as hash,
    • Data is saved without metadata i.e. data getting apart from normal data we are storing,
    • Structured data storage makes it fast,
    • Expensive then file storage systems,
    • Can scale up in terms of storage capacity,
    • Performance is hard to upgrade.
  • File level storage:
    • Stores data in hierarchical format,
    • Stores metadata as well,
    • Used for unstructured data storage,
    • Less costly then block storage systems,
    • It can scale up as well as scale down,
    • By increasing more processors and storage devices one can increase processing as well storage capacity manifolds.

iii) Virtual SAN

  • Brief description
    • It a software component that provides a virtual storage pool for multiple machines or services
    • How is it achieved?
      • To achieve this data is passed between serves using protocols or fibre channels
    • Advantages:
      • Less physical infrastructure requirement for storage
    • How it works?
      • By merging or combining several data centre resources into one software controlled single virtual appliance

6. a)  Explain the cloud information security fundamentals.

Cloud security fundamentals

  • Cloud is a service offered on internet for consumption by different users which can be free or paid
  • Now, cloud security is having who is doing what in your system and getting notified in case anyone breaches the security protocol.
  • Traditional security methods are not applied in new cloud infrastructure for e.g. in traditional data centres those are formed in perimeter based security design hard on the outside and soft on the inside, so if one enters the system they have free go to do anything. But, cloud based security is basically component based i.e. if one of the resource is compromised access to other resource is not easily accessible.
  • Firewalls in cloud infrastructure are accessible via programs means they can be accessed easily and can be updated in minutes
  • DDOS protection is available for all
  • Encryption in transit
  • Systems to identify resources and managing them as well as deploying them when required

6. b) Explain Cloud Computing Security Architecture.

  • Important links:
  • It’s nothing but a strategy for viewing and securing enterprise’s data
  • IaaS, Saas, PaaS all require different security features for e.g.
    • For details refer the second link mentioned above

7. a)  Explain the major cloud features of Google applications engine.

  • It’s a PaaS (i.e. Platform as a service) for development and hosting in google managed data centres
  • Some benefits of using it are:
    • Ease of use and setup
    • Quality
    • All time availability
    • Better scalability
  • Some features includes:
    • Cloud storage
    • Page speed services
    • Diverse set of APIs etc.

For more features the refer the following link.

7. b) How virtualization employed in Azure?

  • It is Microsoft managed service for building, testing, deploying and managing of applications using their globally managed data centres.
  • What are different types of virtual machines available in Azure?
  • Several types of virtual machines available in azure are:
    • General purpose,
    • Compute optimized,
    • Memory optimized,
    • Storage optimized,
    • GPU and
    • High performance compute.
  • What is virtualisation?
    • Virtualisation is the creation of virtual computing environment instead of physical one,
    • Virtualisation allows partition of one single computer or server into several ones, and each machine can then have separate OS and run differently while sharing on single host machine.
  • What’s the benefit of virtualisation?
  • Some of the benefits of virtualisation includes
    • Less energy consumption,
    • Less infrastructure and maintenance cost and
    • Balanced workload etc.

8. Explain following term (Any three):

i)   Third Party Cloud Services

  • What is the need of relying on third party cloud services?
    • With increasing complexity and competition in business most of the businesses to keep it highly available all the time to it’s users relies on third party cloud services instead of maintaining it at their end, which has several benefits like
      • No need to maintain the cloud infra at their end
      • Low investment and better services
      • More professional and better services offered than they could managed at their end
      • Skilled services at low cost
      • Better security of their data and more reliability
    • But this has certain disadvantages as well for e.g.
      • Lack of control
      • Increasing cost with time as one breaches their usage limits

ii)  Cloud Computing Security Challenges

What are some of the issues from security perspective in cloud computing?

  • Some of the key security issues in case of cloud computing are:
    • Misconfiguration leading to data breach
    • Un-authorised access to their data as this is available on public internet, so chances of breach increases
    • Accounts hacking
    • Lack of visibility on what is happening as the infrastructure is located outside of ones reach
    • Data is shared on external system so that’s a risk no matter how safe the system is
    • Prone to cyber attacks

iii) Virtual LAN (VLAN)

  • Brief Description:
    • Virtual Local Area Network or VLAN is a group of workstation, machines, servers etc. which appears to be in the same group even though they are distributed amount different locations event different geographies.
    • In allows communication in such a way that it appears the machine are on same LAN
    • What are the benefits of VLAN ?
    • Benefits of having VLAN includes easy accessibility, network management, better performance, connected systems etc.
      • Connecting several distributed machines into one,
      • Easy accessibility,
      • Easy application of same protocols to all the machines in case of changes,
      • Easy network management,
      • Additional security can be applied to whole network,
      • Increase performance.
    • What are the disadvantages of VLAN?
      • Comparatively less efficient than LAN,
      • One infected system can impact the whole network,
      • In large networks requirement of more physical infrastructure like router.

iv) Hadoop

  • Brief description:
    • It’s a open source software for in scalable and distributed manner by facilitating usage of many computers to solve big data computation problems.
    • It is designed to for scalability i.e. from one server to many machines with each contributing to storage and computation
    • Core of Hadoop
      • HDFS i.e. Hadoop Distributed File System: A distributed file system
      • MapReduce programming model: For parallel processing of large amount of data
      • Hadoop YARN: For job scheduling
      • Hadoop Common: Utility that support other Hadoop modules etc.
    • It can be used for marketing analytics, machine learning, web crawling etc.

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