A quick 25 questions article on Chemistry – General Knowledge – MCQs (Part II) like on nuclear fission, wrought iron, LPG, Mohr’s salt, isotopes, fractional distillation etc.
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Table of Contents
Que (1): By which impact is Nuclear fission is caused?
A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. All of them
Answer: Neutron
Explanation: Nuclear fission is caused by the impact of neutron. A schematic nuclear fission chain reaction.
Que (2): Which is purest form of iron?
A. heme
B. non-heme
C. Ferrous
D. Wrought iron
Answer: Wrought iron
Explanation: Wrought Iron is the purest form of iron. It contains 0.12 to 0.25% carbon and so it is the purest form of iron.
Que (3): Liquefied Petroleum Gas consists of mainly which gases?
A. Propylene
B. Butane
C. Propane
D. All the three of them
Answer: All the three of them.
Explanation: Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG consists mainly of methane, propane, propylene, butane, and butylene in various mixtures.
Que (4): In fireworks, how is the green flame produced?
A. Because of sodium
B. Because of chlorine
C. Because of barium
D. Because of artificial colour
Answer: Because of barium
Explanation: In fireworks, the green flame is produced because of sodium.
Que (5): Which oil is used in the floatation method for the purification of ores?
A. Coconut oil
B. Eucalyptus oil
C. Almond oil
D. Pine oil
Answer: Pine oil
Explanation: The oil used in the floatation method for the purification of ores is. Mustard oil. Solution : Pine oil is used in the froth floatation process.
Que (6): What is the Number of water molecules present in Mohr’s salt?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 1
D. 8
Answer: 6
Explanation: Mohr’s salt contains 6 molecules of water. – Ammonium iron sulphate is called Mohr’s salt. – Molecular formula of Mohr’s salt is (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2·6H2O.
Que (7): A mixture of camphor and benzoic acid can be easily separated by which method?
A. Chromatography
B. Distillation
C. Filtration
D. Chemical method
Answer: Chemical method
Explanation: As by the process of sublimation, both will get sublime. We can separate them by mixing them in hot water and then filtering the solution. Residue will be camphor and filtrate will be mixture of water & benzoic acid and we can get benzoic acid by crystallization method.
Que (8): In organic compound, halogens are estimated by which method?
A. Comustion analysis
B. Calculation of the entropy
C. Plyhedron method
D. Carius method
Answer: Carius method
Explanation: Halogens are estimated by the Carius method. In this method, a known quantity of organic compound is heated with fuming nitric acid in the presence of silver nitrate, contained in a hard glass tube called the Carius tube, taken in a furnace.
Que (9): What is the conversion of Fe++ to Fe+++?
A. Oxidation
B. Reduction
C. Combustion
D. None of these
Answer: Oxidation
Explanation: Oxidation is the loss of electrons. In terms of oxygen transfer, oxidation may be defined as the chemical process in which a substance gains oxygen or loses electrons and hydrogen.
Que (10): To which are Phototrophic and Geotropic movements linked?
Answer: Auxin
Explanation: Phototropic and geotropic movements are related to differential hormone action. Shoot grows positively phototropic and negatively geotropic. Whereas roots grow negatively phototropic and positively geotropic.
Que (11): Which is the most un-reactive gas?
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Helium
D. Carbon Dioxide
Answer: Helium
Explanation: Ionization energies for all the noble gases are large, but they get LARGER as you go “up” the noble gas column, until you arrive at helium— the MOST unreactive of the unreactive noble gases.
Que (12): The isotopes of chlorine with mass number 35 and 37 exist in which ratio?
A. 2:1
B. 1:2
C. 3:1
D. 1:3
Answer: 3 : 1
Explanation: The ratio in which two isotopes of chlorine with mass no 35 and 37 exist is 3: 1 i. e. (75 : 25) %. Let the mole fraction of isotope 35 be x and that of isotope 37 be (1 – x).
Que (13): Which colloids are solvent loving colloids?
Answer: Lyophilic
Explanation: Lyophilic colloids are liquid loving colloids (Lyo means solvent and philic means loving). Examples: Sols of organic substances like gelatin, gum, starch and proteins. Lyophobic colloids are liquid hating colloids (Lyo means solvent and phobic means hating).
Que (14): Which was the scientist who was responsible for the rejection of vital force theory?
Answer: Friedrich Wohler
Explanation: But later in 1828 Friedrich Wohler, a German chemist rejected the vital force theory by preparing urea from ammonium cyanate in the laboratory.
Que (15): Most of hydrocarbons from petroleum are obtained by which method?
A. Simple distillation
B. Fractional distillation
C. Steam distillation
D. Vacuum distillation
Answer: Fractional distillation
Explanation: Petroleum is a naturally occurring, yellowish-black liquid found in geological formations … It consists of naturally occurring hydrocarbons of various molecular weights.
Que (16): Which purified oil does Aviation fuel for jet aeroplanes consist?
A. Diesel
B. Kerosene
C. Oil
D. None of these
Answer: Kerosene
Explanation: Jet fuel is a clear to straw-colored fuel, based on either an unleaded kerosene (Jet A-1), or a naphtha-kerosene blend (Jet B). Similar to diesel fuel, it can be used in either compression ignition engines or turbine engines.
Que (17): By which method is the age of most ancient geological formations estimated?
A. C1 method
B. C2 method
C. C3 method
D. C4 method
Answer: C4 method
Explanation: The C4 model is an “abstraction-first” approach to diagramming software architecture, based upon abstractions that reflect how software architects and developers think about and build software.
Que (18): Which polymer is used for making bulletproof material?
A. Polypropylene
B. Polystyrene
C. Polycarbohydrates
D. Polyethylene
Answer: Polycarbohydrates
Explanation: Polycarbonates are the polymer widely used in making bullet proof materials. Bullet proof glass is made by layering a polycarbonate material between pieces of ordinary glass in a process cal led lamination.
Que (19): Which are macro-nutrients provided by inorganic fertilizers?
A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorous
C. Potassium
D. All of them
Answer: Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Que (20): What is the average salt content in a litre of sea water?
A. 23 gm
B. 78 gm
C. 37 gm
D. 35 gm
Answer: 35 gm
Explanation: On average, seawater in the world’s oceans has a salinity of approximately 3.5%, or 35 parts per thousand. This means that for every 1 litre (1000 mL) of seawater there are 35 grams of salts (mostly, but not entirely, sodium chloride) dissolved in it.
Que (21): What dose not contain a hydrophobic structure?
B. Rubber
C. Cotton
D. Nylon
Answer: Rubber
Explanation: But rubber does not attract water and does not contain a hydrophobic structure.
Que (22): What is the most satisfactory method for separating sugars?
A. Diffusion
B. Chromatography
C. Evaporation
D. None of these
Answer: Chromatography
Explanation: Chromatography is the best method to separate the sugars.
Que (23): Which polymer is widely used for making bullet proof material?
A. Ethylene
B. Methylene
C. Polyethylene
D. Polycarbonates
Answer: Polycarbonates
Explanation: Polycarbonates are the polymer widely used in making bullet proof materials.
Que (24): What are Carbon, diamond and graphite together called?
A. Isotopes
B. Isopropyl
C. Isotropes
D. Allotropes
Answer: Allotropes
Explanation: Allotropes are different structural modifications of an element; the atoms of the element are bonded together in a different manner.
Que (25): What is the estimation of age of woody plant by counting annual ring called?
A. Campanology
B. Chavezology
C. Cereology
D. Dendrochronology
Answer: Dendrochronology
Explanation: Dendrochronology (or tree-ring dating) is the scientific method of dating tree rings (also called growth rings) to the exact year they were formed.
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