Medical Science GK Mock Test – 3

25 questions on “Medical Science GK Mock Test” objective questions series.

This article is important for anyone who is preparing for civil services, Bank PO exam or other government exams as such questions have been asked in all these exams in general studies or general knowledge section.

Other similar articles: Test – 1 | Test – 2 | Test – 3 | Test – 4 | Test – 5 | 88 One Liners.

Question Section

Que (51): What is the number of chromosome in a normal human body cell?
A. 45
B. 46
C. 47
D. 48

Answer: 46

Further Information:

  • Overall count: Overall 46 chromosomes of 23 pairs,
  • Inheritance from parents: Two copies of 13 chromosomes – one from each parent is inherited,
  • Made up of: Protein.

Que (52): By whom was Artificial gene synthesis first done in laboratory of?
A. Har Gobind Khurana
B. Herbert Boyer
C. Thales
D. None of these

Answer: Herbert Boyer

Further Information:

  • By: Har Gobind Khorana in 1972,
  • In laboratory of: Herbert Boyer and Alexander Markham,
  • Har Gobind Khurana also awarded with 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

Que (53): Which statement is true with respect to Leukaemia?
A. Number of WBCs increases in blood
B. Number of RBCs increases in blood
C. Number of WBCs decreases in blood
D. Number of RBCs decrease in blood

Answer: Number of WBCs increases in blood

Further Information:

  • What it is: Cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues,
  • Reason: Exposure to intense radiation, exposure to chemicals such as benzene.

Que (54): Which is used to remove astigmatism from a human eye?
A. Spherical lens
B. Cylindrical lens
C. Optical lens
D. none of these

Answer: Cylindrical lens

Further Information:

  • What is astigmatism: imperfection in the curvature of the eye that causes blurred distance and near vision,
  • Cylindrical lens for astigmatism,
  • Concave lens for myopic eye and
  • Convex lens for hypermetropic eye.

Que (55): Iris has no pigment in which people?
A. Blue-eyed people
B. Hazel eye
C. Green eye
D. Light brown eye

Answer: Blue-eyed people

Further Information:
Even people with the lightest blue eyes, with no melanin on the front of the iris at all, have dark brown coloration on the back of it, to prevent light from scattering

Que (56): The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. Which is that plant?
A. Penicillin
B. Insulin
C. Polio
D. Cinchona

Answer: Cinchona

Further Information:

  • Other uses of cinchona: increasing appetite; promoting the release of digestive juices; and treating bloating, fullness, and other stomach problems.

Que (57): In which biological process sugar is oxidised to release energy?
A. Perspiration
B. Transpiration
C. Respitration
D. none of these

Answer: Respiration

Further Information:

  • CO2 removal: During this process CO2 is released out.

Que (58): Which vitamin is essential for proper bone and teeth formation?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

Answer: Vitamin D

Further Information:

Que (59): Healing of wounds is hastened by which vitamin?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

Answer: Vitamin C

Further Information:

  • Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid,
  • Vitamin C involved in all phases of wound healing viz. inflammatory as well as proliferative phase.

Que (60): Where are red blood corpuscles formed?
A. In bone marrow
B. In thymus
C. In artilleries
D. In nerves

Answer: In bone marrow

Further Information:

  • Importance of bone marrow: It makes the components of blood that one needs to survive.
  • Bone marrow produces: RBCs, WBCs as well as platelets.

Que (61): How much blood does an average adult have in the body?
A. 1-6 litres
B. 5-10 litres
C. 3-6 litres
D. 5-6 litres

Answer: 5-6 litres

Further Information:

  • 1.2-1.5 gallons,
  • Blood forms how much of body weight? – ~10%.

Que (62): What is treatment of body defects through massage and exercise?
A. Body sculpting
B. Psychoteraphy
C. Gyming
D. Physiotherapy

Answer: Physiotherapy

Further Information:

  • Apart from it also includes: heat therapy, electro therapy, advice for treating injury, deformity etc.

Que (63): What does Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule together constitute?

Answer: Renal corpuscle

Further Information:

  • They are all parts of kidney.

Que (64): Which cells have least regeneration capacity?
A. Cells of the nerves
B. Cells of the brain
C. Cells near the spine
D. Cells od the heart

Answer: Cell of brain

Further Information:

Que (65): Which Scientist first explained about human circulatory system?
A. Copernicus
B. James Watson
C. Fermi
D. William Harvey

Answer: William Harvey

Further Information:

  • He proved that the venous blood flowed to the heart, and that the body’s valves in the veins maintained the one-way flow [source].

Que (66): In human body, into which does the pancreas secretes its enzymes?
A. Amylase
B. Lipase
C. Pepsin
D. Duodenum

Answer: Duodenum

Further Information:

  • Function of duodenum: It helps to further digest food coming from the stomach.
  • Absorption of nutrients and water: It absorbs nutrients like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins etc. and water from food so they can be used by the body.

Que (67): Which compound is used in anti-malarial drug?

Answer: Chloroquin

Further Information:

Que (68): The salivary gland secrete saliva that contains which enzyme?
A. Amylase
B. Pepsin
C. Ptyalin
D. Trypsin

Answer: Ptyalin

Further Information:

  • Function of ptyalin: It breaks down the insoluble starch found in foods into smaller, soluble sugar fragments.

Que (69): Which sugar is present in considerable amount in the blood?
A. Lactose
B. Glucose
C. Fructose
D. Galactose

Answer: Glucose

Further Information:

Que (70): In human beings, normally in which part, does the sperm fertilise the ovum?
A. Uterine tubes
B. Ectopic tubes
C. Fallopian tubes
D. B and C

Answer: Fallopian tube

Further Information:

Que (71): Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting?
A. Medulla oblongata
B. trachea
C. nasopharyngeal
D. pharyngeal

Answer: A. Medulla oblongata

Further Information:

  • It is responsible for various basic functions of autonomic nervous system like coughing, sneezing, swallowing, vomiting etc.

Que (72): Which thing acts as an antidote to HgCl2 poisoning?
A. White of egg
B. Yok of th egg
C. Vinegar
D. Neem leaves

Answer: White of egg

Further Information:

  • They form precipitates with the mercuric salts which delay the absorption of the mercury and hinder the solution of the solid tablets. They also act as demulcents, tending to protect the gastric mucosa against contact with the poison, and therefore against the local corrosion and against absorption [source].

Que (73): What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man?
A. 120 mm and 60 mm
B. 160 mm and 80 mm
C. 120 mm and 80 mm
D. 150 mm and 80 mm

Answer: 120 mm and 80 mm

Further Information:

Que (74): Which destroy the toxic substance found in digested food?
A. Liver
B. Stomach
C. Kidney
D. Spleen

Answer: Liver

Further Information:

Que (75): Which of the following has been found useful in keeping cholesterol level down?
A. Wheat
B. Corn
C. Raddish
D. Garlic

Answer: Garlic

Further Information:

  • Properties of garlic: It is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidant,
  • Benefits: It is said to be great for lowering cholesterol levels.

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