t. 88 One Liners for Medical Science General Knowledge

88 one liners for Medical Science General Knowledge related to father of medical systems, medical terms, vaccines, inventors of medical systems, diseases and related information etc.

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Father of Medical Systems:

  • Father of Surgery: Susruta,
  • Father of Homeopathy: Samuel Hahnemann,
  • Father of Medicine: Hippocrates,
    • Western scientific therapy: Hippocrates,
  • Father of Toxicology: Paracelsus,
  • Ayurveda system: Atreya,
  • Founder of Modern Anatomy: Andreas Vesalius,
  • Country founded unani system of treatment: Greece,
  • Phototherapy introduced by: N.R. Flusen,
  • Contraceptive pills discovered by: Gregory Pincus,
  • Father of neurology: Franz Joseph Gall,

Miscellaneous Medical Terms:

  • Pruritus means: Itching,
  • Haemorrhoids: Piles,
  • Cholesterol: naturally occurring steroid,
  • Drinking alcohol causes: dehydration,
  • LASER: For bloodless surgery,
  • Biopsy: Done over tissues taken from a living body,
  • Sharp pain caused by the sting of an ant: because of formic acid,
  • Endemic disease: Disease prevalent in a particular area,
  • Lithotripter: Instrument to remove stones without operation,
  • Gastroscope: Instrument used to inspect the lining of the stomach,
  • Dialysis: For kidney failure,
  • Prophylaxis: Preventive treatment against diseases,
  • Tool for imaging brain tumours: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
  • Bones in human skull: 22,
  • Medical term for vomiting: Emesis,
  • Hypoxia: Low oxygen level in blood,
  • Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain,

Body Parts:

  • Ligaments: To connect bones,
  • Largest joint in human body: Knee,
  • Bones in an adult human: 206,
  • Human bone is made up of: Calcium,
  • Smallest bone in human body: Stapes inside ear canal,
  • Mandible is located in: Jaw,
  • Heart is part of: Cardiovascular system,
  • Part of eye where image is focused: retina,
  • Photoreceptor cells in eye: Cones,
  • Animals with spines: Vertebrates,
  • Pharynx is located in: Neck,
  • Average temperature of human body: 37 deg C,
  • Esophagus is located in: chest,
  • Another sensory function ear provides apart from hearing: Balance,
  • Blood in an average human body: 5.7 litres,

Various Chemicals and Their Usage in Medical Science:

  • Boric acid: Washing wounds,
  • Antacid: Indigestion,
  • Vitamin B complex taken along with other antibiotics: To protect the intestinal flora of E. coli bacteria,
  • Rauwolfia serpentina is useful: For controlling Blood Pressure
  • Insulin regulates: Blood glucose level,
  • Tetracycline: Anti-plague drug,
  • Antiseptic: Drug that destroys germs,
  • Vitamin present in butter: Vitamin A,
  • Vitamin present in cauliflower: Vitamin K,
  • Mineral present in banana: Potassium,
  • Anti-tuberculosis drug: Streptomycin,
  • Drug to control influenze: Amantadine,


  • Tetanus injection: Is actually anti-toxin injection,
  • Vaccine for tetanus: Toxoid,
  • Vaccine for Polio: Jonas E. Salk,
  • DPT vaccination: For Diphtheria, Pneumonia and Typhoid
  • BCG vaccine: Tuberclosis,
  • BPL vaccine: Rabies,
  • Chloroquine: Malaria,

Developed or Invented by:

  • Chloroform as anaesthetic was invented by: James Simpson,
  • Polio was developed by: Jonas E. Salk,
  • Penicillin: Alexander Fleming,
  • Vaccine for small pox: Edward Jenner,

Various Diseases and related Information:

  • Hepatitis: Liver,
  • Encephalitis: Brain,
  • Colitis: Colon,
  • Tophus or Tophi: Happens because of excess of uric acid in the body
  • Vitamin B deficiency: Leads to Beri-Beri
  • Haemophilia: In this blood loses the property to clot outside the body after an injury,
  • Shortage of red blood cells: Leads to Anaemia,
  • Thrombosis: Disease of blood,
  • Kala azar fever was discovered by: UN. Brahmachari,
  • Cystitis: Inflammation of the urinary bladder,
  • Myelitis: Inflammation of the spinal cord,
  • Lack of Vitamin C: Mouth Ulcer,
  • Plague is spread by: Rats,
  • Disease cured by Bacteriophages: Typhoid,
  • Trachoma affects: eyes,
  • Nephritis affects: Kidney,
  • Bronchitis: Abnormality of respiratory tract,
  • Hansen’s disease: Leprosy,
  • Malaria spreads by: Female Anopheles mosquito,
  • Hepatitis: Liver ailment,
  • AIDS: Caused by HIV virus,
  • Vertigo: Causes dizziness,

Related Information:


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