Medical Science GK Mock Test – 2

25 MCQs on Medical Science GK Mock Test General Knowledge series which is important for all types of government exams and/or competitive exams like UPSC<,state PSC, bank PO, RBI etc.

So, this is our effort to provide you with some quality objective questions that can help you in your exams. Please let us know your opinion in the comments section.

Other similar articles: Test – 1 | Test – 2 | Test – 3 | Test – 4 | Test – 5 | 88 One Liners.

Questions Section

Que (26): Chocolates can be bad for health because of a high content of which element?
A. Helium
B. Chlorine
C. Argon
D. Nickel

Answer: Nickel

Further information:

  • Reason: Because of high content of nickel, cadmium, lead etc. especially those that are of raw cocoa.

Que (27): Which hormone is injected into cow and buffalo during milking?
A. Steroid
B. Aceprom
C. Atravet
D. Oxytocin

Answer: Oxytocin

Further information:

Que (28): Maximum nutritive element absorbed by blood from which part of alimentary canal?
A. Large intestine
B. Small intestine
C. Spleen
D. Bladder

Answer: Small intestine

Further information:

  • Different parts in which absorption happens: mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
  • Maximum food absorption although happens in small intestine.
  • Why: Because of millions of tiny finger like projections called villi.

Que (29): Which genetic disease is sex -linked ?
A. Arthiritus
B. Bird flu
C. Royal Haemophilla
D. none of these

Answer: Royal haemophilia

Further information:

  • Has impacted the royal family England and that is why it is called as the royal disease as well.
  • It’s sort of bleeding disorder.

Que (30): Who proved that DNA is the basic genetic material?
A. Gregor Mendel
B. Charles Darwin
C. Thomas Hunt
D. Hershey and Chase

Answer: Hershey and Chase

Further information:

  • When: 1952,
  • Full name: Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase,
  • How: By conducting an experiment on bacteriophage they proved that DNA is the basic genetic material.

Que (31): By which Transfer of genetic information from one generation to the other is accomplished?
B. By messenger DNA and transfer RNA
C. By messenger RNA and transfer DNA

Answer: DNA

Further information:

Que (32): Where do Sweat glands occur in greatest number?
A. In our palms
B. Under our eye
C. Palms and sole of feet
D. In the skin of our armpits

Answer: Palms and sole of feet

Further information:

  • Function of sweat glands: Keep the body temperature at around 37 °C by releasing sweat,
  • How many: Around 600-700 sweat glands/cm2.

Que (33): What is the total number of bones in human skull?
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60

Answer: 30

Further information:

  • Cranial bones: 8,
  • Facial skeleton bones: 14,
  • Occipital bone: 1,
  • Two temporal bones: 2,
  • Two parietal bones: 2,
  • Sphenoid: 1,
  • Ethmoid and frontal bones etc.

Que (34): AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), What is this?
A. Boot sector virus
B. Resident Virus
C. Retro Virus
D. Polumorphic virus

Answer: Retro virus

Further information:

  • What is retro virus: virus that inserts a DNA copy of its RNA genome into the DNA of a host cell,
  • Impact: Changes the genome of host cell.

Que (35): Medicine for high blood pressure is obtained from which species?
A. Aloe vera
B. Rosevary
C. Garlic
D. Rauwolffia species

Answer: Rauwolffia species

Further information:

  • Safe when used in appropriate low doses.

Que (36): Pneumoconiosis affects the workers who work mainly in which industry?
A. Ancient site
B. Archeological sites
C. Iron mining industry
D. Coal mining industry

Answer: Coal mining industry

Further information:

  • Type: Respiratory disease,
  • Caused by: Inhaling of dust such as coal dust, silica dust, asbestos dust etc.
  • Common in: Coal mining and related industries.

Que (37): Lathyrism is caused by excessive consumption of which thing?
A. Green Moong
B. Urad dal
C. Matar dal
D. Kesari Dal

Answer: Kesari Dal

Further information:

  • What is lathyrism: A form of lower limb paralysis,
  • Kesari Dal: Is grown in arid regions by poor and marginal farmers.

Que (38):: Which organ destroys worn out RBCs in the body of a vertebrate?
A. Kidney
B. Lungs
C. Spleen
D. Heart

Answer: Spleen

Further information:

  • Size: Fist sized organ,
  • Where: Upper left side of the abdomen,
  • Functions:
    • Fights any invading germs in the blood,
    • Contains infection fighting WBCs,
    • Get rid of older damaged RBCs etc.

Que (39): Which unicellular non-pathogenic parasite is found in the human intestine?
A. Protozoa
B. Fungi
C. Algae
D. E. Coli

Answer: E. coli

Further information:

  • Do not harm the body,
  • Found in lower intestine of warm blooded organisms,

Que (40): In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells formed?
A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Intestine
D. Lymphoid organs

Answer: Lymphoid organs

Further information:

  • Forms in thymus and bone marrow which are also called as central lymphoid organs,
  • These are infection fighting cells.

Que (41): What is Hepatitis-B, which affects liver?
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungii
D. Worms

Answer: Virus

Further information:

  • Life threatening liver disease,
  • Threats: Puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Que (42): The saliva helps in the digestion of which thing?
A. Protein
B. Carbs
C. Fats
D. Starch

Answer: Starch

Further information:

  • Enzyme in saliva: Amylase,
  • Function: Breaks some starches into maltose and dextrin,
  • Helps in swallowing food easily.

Que (43): Which Bacteria is found in the intestine of human?
A. Streptococcus
B. Vibrio
C. Clostridium
D. Escherichia coli

Answer: Escherichia coli

Further information:

Que (44): After respiration the conversion of energy is mainly in which form of?
A. Thermal energy
B. Nerve impulse
C. Signals

Answer: ATP

Further information:

  • Synthesised by: Oxidation of respiratory substrates such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, etc.
  • Synthesised during cellular respiratory process.

Que (45): Which vitamin is transformed in golden rice ?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin A

Answer: Vitamin A

Further information:

Que (46): What is the largest gland in the human body?
A. Spleen
B. Kidney
C. Lungs
D. Liver

Answer: Liver

Further information:

  • Largest internal organ in human body and can weigh upto 1.5 kg.

Que (47): What is the most important function of perspiration?
A. To regulate body temperature
B. To maintain the outer temperature
C. To maintain Humidity
D. To make the temperature cool

Answer: To regulate body temperature

Further information:

  • To thermoregulate the body i.e. in simple terms maintaining an organism’s body temperature for e.g. around 37 deg C in came of humans.

Que (48): In human body which organ metabolises drugs into usable forms??
A. Spleen
B. Kidney
C. Heart
D. Liver

Answer: Liver

Further information:

  • For consumption by rest of the body.

Que (49): Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep?
A. Optical lobe
B. Cerebellum
C. Thalamus
D. Hypothalamus

Answer Hypothalmus

Further information:

  • Also called as body’s smart coordinating centre,
  • Releases hormones for maintaining daily physiological cycles like temperature, thirst, appetitie, digestion etc.
  • Located at the base of the brain.

Que (50): Which blood group is universal donor?
A. A+
B. A
C. O
D. B

Answer: O

Further information:

  • O positive blood can’t be used universally because it has the Rh factor,
  • O negative donors are often called ‘universal donors’ because anyone can receive the red blood cells from their donations.


So, this was the second article in the Medical Science GK Mock Test General Knowledge series. Please let us know if you want us to improve anything or you want us to write on any other important topic that can help you in anyways.

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