Swimming Objective Questions Sport General Knowledge

Swimming Objective Questions Sport General Knowledge benefits of swimming, benefit to cardiovascular system, inclusion in modern olympic games, diving events in olympics, National swimming association of India, Inclusion in Asian Games, types of competitive strokes etc.

Swimming is a water-based sport where a person propels their body through the water using different kind of strokes and leg movements. Is a very popular sport and is part of all the international championships like Olympics, Asian Games etc.

Swimming TypeCharacteristics
Front crawl– Swimmer’s body position facing down in the water,
– Alternating arm movements and flutter kicks to propel.
Back crawl– Swimmer lies on their back,
– Alternating arm movements and flutter kicks to propel.
Braststroke– Swimmer to move their arms in a synchronized manner,
– Simultaneous kick that resembles a frog’s kick.
Butterfly stroke– Simultaneous arm movements, commonly referred to as butterfly arms,
– Dolphin kick, where both legs move together.

Q1: What is swimming?

A: Swimming is a water-based sport where a person propels their body through the water using strokes with their arms and kicks with their legs, moving progressively through the water.

Q2: Benefits of swimming:

A: Benefits of swimming are:
– It improves the cardiovascular system,
– It provides minimal stress on joints,
– It engages major muscle groups hence leads to flexible muscular system,

Q3: How does swimming benefit the cardiovascular system?

A: Swimming helps improve the cardiovascular system by increasing heart rate and promoting cardiovascular endurance.

Q4: When was swimming included in the first modern Olympic Games?

A: Swimming was included in the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896.

Q5: When were diving events added to the Olympic Games?

A: Diving events were added to the Olympic Games in 1904.

Q6: When were women’s swimming competitions officially recognized in the Olympic Games?

A: Women’s swimming competitions were officially recognized in the Olympic Games in 1912.

Q7: When was the National Swimming Association of India founded?

A: The National Swimming Association of India was founded in 1949.

Q8: In which year and city was swimming included as one of the six sports in the first Asian Games?

A: Swimming was included as one of the six sports at the First Asian Games held in Delhi in 1951.

Q9: How many competitive strokes are there in swimming?

A: There are four competitive strokes in swimming. The four competitive strokes in swimming are
– Front Crawl (also known as Freestyle),
– Back Crawl,
– Breaststroke, and
– Butterfly stroke.

Q10: Are these four strokes followed globally in swimming competitions?

A: Yes, these four strokes are followed in swimming competitions worldwide.


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Source: NCERT Physical Education Class X.

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Swimming (sport) – wikipedia link.

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